Posted by Decorating Diva on Jan 9, 2016 in Musings, Style Ideas | 0 comments
There’s nothing like starting out a new year on the right foot. The holidays are over and you’re all spent… on festive celebrations and money. Now’s the perfect time to get your home in shape and lose some weight by getting rid of stuff you don’t need and have probably forgot about. We’re talking about organizing storage spaces that miss your regular or spring cleaning duties.
There are places in the home where we throw items that don’t have a place. In a drawer, on the table, in a bowl. These storage spaces are a treasure trove of things long forgotten and can be used, donated or thrown away. Make a plan to get to these popular storage spaces and get rid of some useless junk (from your trunk!):
Drawers/Chest of Drawers: I’ve got a few of these furnishings in my home – in the kitchen, living room and bedrooms. And all of them have way too much stuff in them. Go through them and get rid of anything you don’t use or have never used in the past two years. In your bedroom, go through your sock and underwear draw, and throw away items that have seen better days. Besides, Valentine’s Day is coming – the ideal time to treat yourself to a few pairs of new “drawers!”
Plastic Containers in Kitchen Cabinets: I don’t know about you, but the lower cabinets seem to be a place where Tupperware goes to die. Containers that are piled on top of each other, stained with meals of long gone and missing their lids – it’s time to bid them a fond fairway and toss them in the recycling box. Head to the dollar store and pick up a new set, but before stacking them neatly away, giving the cabinets a scrub to get rid of grime and dust bunnies.
Linen closet: Girl, those towels have seen better days! Hopefully, you asked Santa for some new ones (or use some of the gift cards you got to treat yourself to a matching set). You can cut them up to make rags, or if they’re still usable, donate them to a local animal shelter. Shelters are always in need of towels, so you know that your donation in going to a great cause.
Bedroom closet: Seriously, when was the last time you wore that floral print dress? Five years ago? It’s time to let it go. And while you’re at it, throw away any wire or broken hangers. They’re not doing your clothes any good, especially when they get stained or crumpled on the floor. Donate all your unwanted clothes, shoes, belts and purses to a reputable organization. I like the Canadian Diabetes Association, but the Goodwill and Value Village are able to continue helping the community, thanks to your donations.